Aberdeen Grammar School PC Agenda -Combined AGM and Meeting 23rd September 2020
Parents/Carers of pupils at Aberdeen Grammar School are invited to attend the Aberdeen Grammar Parent Council Annual General Meeting on 23rd September 2020 at 7pm. This will also include the first Parent Council Meeting of the academic year.
Due to restrictions that are currently in place because of the coronavirus pandemic, the meeting will be held online. We will send invites out to all parents/carers on our email distribution list; if you are not on this and wish to attend, please request an invitation by emailing: pcgrammar@aberdeen.npfs.org.uk on or before 20th September 2020.
- Welcome and introductions
- Apologies
- Approval of minutes of previous AGM
- Chairperson’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Accounts for 2019/20
- PTA Report
- Election of Parent Council Members
- Election of Office Bearers
- Dates of Future Meetings
- Approval of Minutes of Meeting on 22nd January 2020
- Feedback from Head Teacher
- Feedback from Aberdeen Parent Council Forum Meeting