Inquiry into attainment of school pupils with a sensory impairment – Call for views

Education and Culture Committee
Inquiry into attainment of school pupils with a sensory impairment – Call for views
The Committee is holding a short inquiry to consider how the attainment levels of school pupils with a hearing and/or a visual impairment can be improved. We invite you to give us concise and specific suggestions about what could be done to improve the attainment of children with a sensory impairment.
The deadline for responses is Wednesday 29 April 2015. For more information about how to respond please see here: Call for views
Further information on the inquiry will be published on our website: Inquiry homepage
Kind regards
Lewis McNaughton
Assistant Clerk, Education and Culture Committee
Room T3.40
The Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP
Direct Dial Tel: +44 (0) 131 348 5222