CfE Implementation Plan 2015 to 2016 Input required

Hi again everyone,

National Parent Foru of Scotland have been asked to provide input for next year’s CfE Improvement Plan. Below are some of our initial thoughts, in no particular order. If you have any views on the suggestions below or would like anything else added, I’d be grateful if you could get back to me by Friday and I will then collate everyone’s responses.

  • Still work needed on assessment and reporting in BGE, especially in primary
  • Work with parent councils on how they can get more involved with their school to help raise attainment, develop materials with partner agencies to help achieve this.
  • Work with ES and SQA to explain to parents the changes taking place in our education system, differences between qualifications and vocational, wider achievement.
  • Continue to support national agencies to work with parents to understand the differences and values in N4
  • Support SG to evaluate CfE, is it working, now nearly fully rolled out so the time is now to see if it’s right.
  • Re-educate all our politicians, local and national that we need to look at what we report on and move away from how many Highers and Nationals that learners get, this only covers a small percentage of learners.
  • Insight, up and running and scoring correct tariff points in vocational and wider achievement, if not we will go back to a numbers game with Nat 5s and this will effect BGE
  • What is classified as a positive destination

Tony Rafferty

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